First exhibition of the new SICILIA series
I am happy and grateful that my series SICILIA, which I only started in June 2024, will be shown at the Ragusa Photo Festival from 30 August to 30 September 2024. This work in progress is being created in collaboration with Fondazione Sylva and with the valuable support of Luigi de Vecchi. On the fascinating island of Sicily, I take portraits of people who inspire me and ask them about their favourite tree. The photographic duet of both beings is a portrait of an island that has many Sicilies in it, as well as a celebration of every life on our planet that needs to be protected.
Location: Palazzo Cosentini
Opening on 30 and 31 August and 1 September 2024
Exhibition until 30 September 2024
Solo exhibition at Hartmann Projects
From April 19, 2024 to June 21, 2024, the series “Graubaum und Himmelmeer” and “Gier” can be seen for the first time in Stuttgart at Hartmann Projects.
Vernissage: April 19, 2024, from 6 pm
Normal opening hours Tuesday – Friday, 14:00 – 18:00, Saturdays vary

Solo exhibition at Gallery Podbielski Contemporary
We are delighted to announce Loredana Nemes’ first exhibition in Italy at her Italian
Gallery Podbielski Contemporary from 30th November 2023 to 17th February 2024.
Vernissage: 30th November 2023 from 3 to 9 pm
Artist Talk: 2nd December 2023 at 4 pm
Website: Podbielski Contemporary
New book, available from September 2023
24,0 × 31,2 cm | 112 pages | 50 photographs | Printed in triplex
Embossed hardcover with screen print
Text by Loredana Nemes
Design by Hannah Feldmeier, Leipzig
German / English
Hartmann Books, 2023
ISBN 978-3-96070-102-6
Preorder possible here
A Collector’s Edition of the book is available with two possible motifs.
Info on the Collector’s Edition here

Neue Publikation ab Anfang September 2023 lieferbar!
24,0 × 31,2 cm | 112 Seiten | 50 Fotografien | Triplexdruck
Hardcover Dreiviertelband mit Siebdruck und Prägung
Text von Loredana Nemes
Gestaltung von Hannah Feldmeier, Leipzig
Deutsch / Englisch
Hartmann Books, 2023
ISBN 978-3-96070-102-6
Bestellung des Buches unter Publikationen oder HIER.
Es erscheint eine Sonderedition zum Buch mit zwei möglichen Motiven.
Infos dazu unter Publikationen oder HIER.

Solo exhibition in the Gallery Springer Berlin from March 4th til July 15th 2023
On the occasion of EMOP Berlin – European Month of Photography, Gallery Springer Berlin presents the first solo exhibition of the artist Loredana Nemes, entitled »Trees, Seas, and the Bee’s Knees«. The selection of series on view includes the latest body of work »Greytree and Heavensea«, created from 2019 to 2023, the cycle »Immergrün« from 2020, the sequence »Blossom Time«, created in 2012, and works from »Greed«, 2014 to 2017.
Solo exhibition at Simone Klein Showroom Cologne
from 19.11.2022 to 15.01.2023 the series »Greytree and Heavensea« can be seen in Cologne in the showroom of Simone Klein. Dates on request:
An artist talk between Simone Klein and Loredana Nemes will take place at the vernissage on 19.11. at 4 pm.

Solo exhibition at the Kommunale Galerie Berlin from September 4 to October 23, 2022.
Opening on Sunday, September 4, 2022, 12 p.m.
The series “beautiful” by Loredana Nemes is a photographic journey to the country of her childhood: born in 1972 in Sibiu, Romania, the artist returned there annually between 2002 and 2013 – in search of memory, which also finds expression in poetictexts, but all with an eye for the changed present. These are quiet images that capture the unspectacular everyday life, impressive black and white ‘portraits’ that find their counterpart in landscape photographs.
This exhibition is only possible thanks to the generous sponsorship and valuable efforts of Angela Maas and Thomas Kempen from Aachen. My heartfelt thanks go to both of them.

Exhibition in Stadthaus Ulm from March 20th till June 6th 2022
The work “Greytree and Heavensea” by Loredana Nemes was created over a period of two and a half years on the island of Rügen, a place the artist chose as a retreat. In the Jasmund National Park, she began photographing the beech forest and juxtaposes these shots with views of the expanse of the sea. After a dozen visits in every season, the series is now being exhibited for the first time in the Stadthaus Ulm. A publication will be produced this summer.

Solo exhibition at Kunstverein Konstanz from February 19th till April 17th 2022
The portrait is the second oldest genre of photography. Capturing the essence of a person has challenged photographers since the invention of the medium. But how much a picture can say about a person, what becomes visible between the surface and the core of the being, is a much-discussed question. Loredana Nemes also explores the possible gain in knowledge of a portrait with four of her series of works that have already been exhibited many times and are presented at the Kunstverein Konstanz. In a conceptual approach, she questions the possibilities of a portrait and creates idiosyncratic, complex compositions that are rooted in memory and whose visual languages vary in each case. (Dorothea Cremer-Schacht)

Article in the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 25th 2021
What a joy: GREYTREE AND HEAVENSEA, the series I have been working on Rügen since 2019, is again in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung today. Freddy Langer kindly dedicates four pages to the series and gives autumn and poetry their place today. Thank you, Freddy!
The book of the same name will be published in spring 2022 – please express your interest via this email. From March 20th to June 6th 2022, the Stadthaus Ulm will host the solo exhibition. From September 2022, the works will be on show at Galerie Springer Berlin. What anticipation! More information on my homepage.

Article in the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
I have been working on “Greytree and Heavensea” for two years. Freddy Langer dedicates four whole pages in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung to this new work, which is being created on Rügen. On Thursday, August 26 2021, he will present my summer photographs. “Greytree and Heavensea” will be published in spring 2022 (orders via email please) and Galerie Springer Berlin will show the exhibition starting with September 2022. You can find further insights under “Works”.

Article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on April 22nd 2021
I have been working on “Greytree and Heavensea” for two years. Freddy Langer dedicates four whole pages in the newspaper FAZ to the photographs of this new cycle, which is being created on Rügen. He will present my view of spring on Thursday, April 22nd 2021. Hartmann Books will publish the work early 2022 and Gallery Springer Berlin will show it at the same time. You can find further insights under “Works”.

The artist talk between Almuth Spiegler, journalist and Loredana Nemes takes place on the 12th of November at 6 pm, at the Kunst Haus Wien, Untere Weissgerberstraße 13, 1030 Vienna, talk. Admission is free.

Walk and talk through the exhibition GREED FEAR LOVE in the museum Berlinische Galerie, October 12 2018, 4 p. m.
Loredana Nemes and Ulrich Domröse, curator of the exhibition GREED FEAR LOVE, guide in their talk through all six series presented in the solo show.
Installation view by Ulrich Schwarz, Berlin.

Exhibition at the Kunst Haus Vienna from 11.09.19 to 16.02.2020.
The city is one of the most dazzling subjects in the history of photography: KUNST HAUS WIEN presents with the exhibiton Street. Life. Photography Icons of Street Photography from seven decades. From Merry Alpern, Diane Arbus, Robert Frank to Lee Friedlander or Martin Parr – with more than 35 photographic positions and over 200 works, the exhibition deals with the radical changes and aesthetic developments in street photography from the 1930s to the present.
International classics of street photography are associated with young, contemporary positions such as Mohamed Bourouissa, Harri Pälviranta or Austrian artists such as Alex Dietrich and Lies Maculan – and open up a new perspective on the different spaces of the city that the observation of the urban environment offered in the past and today.

Exhibition in the Museum Berlinischen Galerie, 22.06. - 15.10.2018
GierAngstLiebe sind die drei neuen Themen, die Loredana Nemes zusammen mit den älteren Zyklen “beyond”, “Blütezeit” und “Der Auftritt” in ihrer umfassenden Einzelausstellung in der Berlinischen Galerie präsentiert.
A comprehensive monograph on her oeuvre is being published at Hartmann Projects (see publications).
We are pleased to invite you and your friends to the opening of the exhibition on June 21 2018 at 7 pm.

Ausstellung im Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg vom 08.06. bis 21.10.2018
Der »urban space« − die unmittelbar erfahrbare städtische Lebenswelt − ist eines der wohl schillerndsten Sujets innerhalb fotografischer Bildwelten. Die Ausstellung [SPACE] STREET. LIFE. PHOTOGRAPHY beleuchtet im Rahmen der 7. Triennale der Photographie Hamburg 2018 eines der spannendsten Themen der Fotografie im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert: die Street Photography.
Die Ausstellung umfasst 52 fotografische Positionen mit über 320 Werken, die in sieben kaleidoskopartig angelegten Kapiteln zentrale Themenfelder der Street Photography zusammenfasst: Street Life, Crashes, Public Transfer, Urban Space, Lines and Signs, Anonymity und Alienation.
Neben filmischen Dokumentationen ergänzt eine 250 Seiten umfassende Katalogpublikation aus dem Kehrer Verlag mit ausgewählten Autoren die Ausstellung. (siehe Publikationen)